Saturday, July 5, 2014

Like the Spider

My friend if you desire success
Than you can look at the simple comparison of the spider.

Like the Spider--
You must be at home with rich or poor.
And even when someone bigger and physically stronger
Brushes you away onto the floor,
You must be willing to return to your chosen corner.  

Like the Spider--
You must leave your fellowship of those just like you,
And work with bugs in your specific web of influence.
You must never lose sight of your dream
To master your given field of service.
No matter how hard it may seem.

Like the Spider--
Even when people in this world despise you,
And say your life has no valuable meaning, 
You must stick around and do what you were called to do.
Help rid the world of unprofitable bugs.

Like the Spider--
You must be willing to silently serve in humble places,
Where no one will take notice of you.
But bold enough to venture to the prominent ceiling
When there is a harvest there too.

Like the Spider--
You must attack bugs in the dirtiest settings,
Or fight them in corners that "seem" to be clean already.

But unlike the Spider--
You should fight bugs but not
Digest them and make them apart of you.
Your food shall be to do the will of the Father.

Like the Spider--
Your web of influence will remain highly visible
Even after you have long ceased from labor in the web.
And the Divine Wind will blow parts of your web,
To places and people that you never dreamed of affecting.

By Alan T. Stokes   March 9, 1989

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