Thursday, July 17, 2014

After the Sunset

As we bend our way, toward the sunset of life,
We each have our share, of work, worry and strife.
We toil on each day, with an expectant soul,
As each hour brings us nearer, our sunset goal.

We smile tho' we've nothing but a thin dime,
As we ponder o'er joys that's in sunset time.
And keep pressing onward to that sunset day,
For we know our life here is fast fading away.

Some folk think it silly to share other's sorrow,
Just laugh and be merry, for there's no tomorrow,
But, we with faith know what's ahead and we've loads to gain,
When we reach the portals, just past sunset lane.  

By Treva E. Stokes (1912-1980)

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